1) The 1st Belgian king (1831) inaugurated the first railway line in continental Europe (Brussels-Mechelen). a) Leopold 1 b) Albert 1 c) Filip 1 2) Belgians 2nd King is infamous of colonising Congo as his own property. a) Prince Karel b) Boudewijn c) Leopold II 3) In the reign of the 3rd King, all men got singular vote right. a) Albert I b) Filip 1 c) Leopold III 4) The 4th King of Belgians surrendered to Nazi Germany during the WW2 against the wishes of the government. a) Boudewijn b) Leopold III c) Albert I 5) This Prince replaced Leopold III during the WW2 era and introduced the social security scheme and voting right for women (1948). a) Prince Karel b) Leopold I c) Albert II 6) During his reign, Belgium joined the European Economic Community and recognised the independence of Congo (1960). a) Albert I b) Leopold II c) Boudewijn 7) As Boudewijn didn't have children, it was his brother who ascended the throne in 1993.  a) Albert II b) Filip 1 c) Leopold II 8) The current King values and enhances dialogue between citizens from the different communities in Belgium and set up a Fund to support this cause a) Boudewijn b) Albert II c) Filip I 9) Who is the in line of succession to the throne after Filip 1? a) Elisabeth, the eldest of 4 children b) Gabrielle, the eldest son

Belgian Monarchy, a part of the Belgian history



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