erupt - explode and send fire and smoke into the sky, emerge - appear, hunter-gatherer - member of a primitive society which lives by hunting animals, fishing and gathering food from the wild, settle down - start to live in a place where no one has ever lived permanently before, indigenous - belonging naturally to a place, perish - die, vanish - disappear suddenly, doomed - be certain to experience or suffer something unpleasant, vacate - make empty, decline - become less in quality and number, decrease - make something become lesser, derive from - originate from, originate - come from, flourish - grow strong and healthy, establish - set up, dissolve - cause something solid to mix with a liquid and disappear, decay - fall into a corrupt and immoral state, colonialism - the practice of acquiring political control over another country or area and exploiting it economically, empire - group of countries controlled by a single ruler or government, feudalism - social, economic and political system in which people were allowed to live and work on the land of a wealthy , aristocratic landowner in exchange for military protection, territory - area of land controlled by a particular government , ruler or military leader, authority - the power to give orders , make decisions and enforce rules, medieval - related to the Middle Ages, repression - the act of cruelly and forcefully exercising control over a large group of people, torture - the act of causing extreme physical pain to punish or force somebody to give up information, peasant - poor person who works on the land, noble - member of the highest order of society, aristocrat, somebody with high social or political standing and a hereditary title, wander - move freely from one place to another, migration - the act of moving from one place to another in search of certain conditions,
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