1) I was doing my homework when I...........................................heard a man shouting. a) probably b) suddenly c) luckily 2) .................................... Ian can't drive us to the airport, but we can take a bus. a) Fortunately b) Exactly c) Unfortunately 3) Karen was sleeping........................... I was shopping at the supermarket. a) while b) when c) before 4) I ......................... your mobile phone when I cleaned the room. a) found b) was finding c) find 5) It's raining so there is ............................... reason to go out for a walk. a) some b) any c) no 6) ......................... people say that travelling is boring, but I like it! a) Some b) Any c) No 7) What ................................... between nine and ten o'clock last night? a) you did b) were you doing c) did you do 8) Sue has ....................... friends, so she's sad. a) some b) no c) any

Full Blast 3 Module 3 Test (Multiple Choice)


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