Equation - states what is on the left side is equal to what is on the right. Has an equals sign., Expression - numbers and operators grouped together that show the value of something. Does not have an equals sign, Term - either a single number, variable, or numbers and variables multiplied together, Operations - multiplication, division, addition and subtraction, Coefficient - a number used to multiply a variable, Variable - a letter that represents an unknown number, Like Terms - terms whose variables and exponents are the same, Inequalities - math sentence that does not show equality, greater or greater than and less or less than, Constant - a number that stands alone, does not change, Factors - numbers that can be multiplied to get a product, Multiples - numbers that we get after multiplying the number by an integer, GCF - the greatest number that is a factor of both numbers, LCM - the least number that is a multiple of both numbers, Quotient - the answer to a division problem, Product - the answer to a multiplication problem, Evaluate - to calculate the value of, Substitution - to replace or put in the place of another. You often do this with variables and a given value, Algebraic Expression - mathematical expression that consists of variables, numbers and operations. The value of this expression can change, Order of Operations - tells you in which order to perform the operations when you have more than one in the same problem. The acronym is PEMDAS, PEMDAS - parenthesis, exponents, multiplication/division, addition/subtraction, DistributiveProperty - tells us how to solve expressions in the form of a(b+c). We distribute the a to the b and c which would give us a(b+c) = ab+ac, EquivalentExpression - expressions that have the same value even though they look different, Inverse Operation - the operation that reverse the effect of another operation. Multiplication to Division and Addition to Subtraction, Solution - a value or values that can be put in place of a variable that makes the equation true, Exponent - says how many times to multiply the number by itself. Also called powers,


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