1) There______a pool next to the shop.(+) 2) There_______a lot of cars in the streets 100 years ago.(-) 3) There______many planes 100 years ago.(-) 4) I_______at school yesterday. (+) 5) There_____a tower 100 years ago. (+) 6) There ______a supermarket. (-) 7) There_______many schools 100 years ago. (-) 8) There_______a lot of trees 100 years ago.(+) 9) The test _____ easy. (+) 10) I ____ on the beach yesterday. (+) 11) The food ______ very good. (+) 12) It ______cold yesterday. (+) 13) It ______ hot yesterday. (-) 14) She _____ angry. (+) 15) He _______ hungry. (-) 16) We _____ on the beach. (-) 17) We _______ on the boat. (+) 18) I ______ at home yesterday. (+) 19) We _______ in the park yesterday. (+) 20) He ______ at the cinema yesterday. (-) 21) She ______ in the library yesterday. (+) 22) Mum ______ in the supermarket last week. (+) 23) Jack _____ at the swimming pool. (+)

Past Simple (was/were)


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