What is your favorite Disney park?, What is your favorite Disney movie?, If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?, If you could pick one color to describe yourself, what would it be and why?, What's your dream job?, What's a fun fact about you?, If someone visited your hometown, what would be the first place you would take them to?, Who is someone that made you smile this past week?, What was your favorite thing about recruitment?, Dunkin or starbucks?, Favorite tik tok?, If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?, What are three words to describe yourself?, If you could dye your hair any fun color what would it be?, What's your dream concert lineup?, Which of Snow White’s seven dwarfs describes you best (Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy or Sneezy)?, Who is one person in this room that you talked to this week?, Are you a morning or night person?, Are you a cat or dog person?, What is your favorite season and why?, What's your go-to tv show to binge watch?, What's your favorite scent?, What smell reminds you of home?, What is something that symbolizes your hometown?, Describe your perfect day. , Compliment someone in this room who you want to get to know more., Who is someone that you look up to?, Name someone who you want to get to know more in the next few weeks., What's your most used emoji?, What's your coffee order?, What animal do you think represents you?, If you could have lunch with a celebrity, who would it be?, What's your go-to shoe?, If you could be a mode of transportation, what would you be and why?, What do you like to do in your free time?, What do you consider to be your "happy place"?.


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