Inner Core - The centre of the earth, made of solid metal and is at a temperature of 5500 degrees c, Mantle - The mostly liquid layer beneath the crust. This is the thickest layer and is made of semi-molten rock called magma., Outer Core - The layer inside the Earth between the inner core and mantle.etal., Crust - The solid outer layer of the earth 🌍 on which we walk, Constructive Plate Boundary - Where two plates move apart (diverge)., Destructive Plate Boundary - Where two plates move together (converge)., Conservative Plate Boundary - Where two plates slide past each other along a fault line. Tension may build and be released as an earthquake., Collision Plate Boundary - Where two plates of similar density push together and crumple upwards to form huge fold mountains 🏔 and violent earthquakes. , Natural Disaster - When a natural event, or hazard, impacts on human activities, Natural Hazard - natural event that a poses a threat to humans and/or property, Main Vent - Magma rises up here towards the crater., Magma - Liquid rock inside the Earth., Lava - Magma when it is outside of the volcano 🌋 , Richter Scale - A measure of earthquake magnitude (energy released) on a scale of one to ten,

Earthquakes and Volcanoes: key terms


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