Can you name 3 animals that live in a farm?, Can you name 3 red fruits?, Can you name 3 insects?, Can you name 3 school objects?, Can you name 3 objects in your bedroom?, Can you spell HOUSE?, Can you name 3 parts of the house?, Can you name 3 months that begin with the letter J?, Can you name all the colors of the rainbow?, Can you name the 4 seasons?, Can you name 3 family members?, Can you name 3 toys?, Can you name 3 sports or games?, Can you say the ABC in under 45 seconds?, Can you count backwards from 10 to 1?, What's 10 + 6?, Can you name 3 green vegetables?, Can you name 3 animals that live in the jungle?, Can you spell your name?, Can you name 3 things we have for breakfast?, Can you name 3 animals that live in the water?.

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