For many people of the Christian faith, Easter is the most important holiday of the year. It is the culmination of the religious season of (1)____ in which Christians celebrate the (2) ____ of Jesus. In addition to its religious importance, easter is also a popular (3) ____, thanks to its association with the Easter bunny, colourful decorated eggs and, of course, all that candy. According to one popular theory, early Christians adopted Easter from a (4) ____ celebrating Eostre, an Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. The goddess (5) ____ with a (6) ____, which, as the theory goes, was the original inspiration for today’s Easter bunny. Though eggs also symbolise fertility and (7) ____, they may have become popular on Easter for more practical reasons. For centuries, the Christian church banned eggs, along with other foods during Lent and it became a special (8) ____ to eat them during Easter. One of the history’s most (9) ____ Easter traditions developed in late 19th century Russia, when royalty and other members of (10) ____ began giving each other jewel-incrusted eggs as Easter gifts. The man behind these insanely valuable eggs was the artist jeweller (11) ____ Peter Carl Faberge who was (12) ____ by Czar Alexander 3rd to create jewel Easter eggs for his wife.

Easter Primary A2-B1


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