How do you spell friendship ?, What makes a good friend ? , When was the last time you ran into a problem ?, Do your friendships endure ?, What´s a good way of meeting people?, What are you considering doing for the future ?, Can you recall the last time you met your best friend ?, Do you spend more time communicating in person, by phone or online?, What´s your approach to fashion ?, Do you judge others by what they wear ?, What prevents you from buying more ?, Does your school require you to wear a uniform ?, How would you describe your style?, Describe the style of somebody famous., Are first impressions important?, What do you always notice first when you meet someone ?, Who is eccentric in your opinion ?, Is being innocent positive or negative ?, Do you know anyone who has a baby face ?, What do you think of cloning ?, Which new technology has reshaped your daily life?, What is the greatest advance in medicine so far?, What are you curious about and intimidated by?, Are you a technophile or a technophobe?.
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