e) She's been crying all night. - 1) Mary's eyes are very red., d) It's been raining for hours. - 2) The streets are wet., h) They've been eating cookies all day. - 3) The children aren't hungry now., f) He's been running for an hour. - 4) He's out of breath, g) She's been working in the garden. - 5) Carol's pants are dirty., j) They've been fighting. - 6) Both boys have black eyes., a) She's been leaning against the blackboard. - 7) The teacher's sweater is covered in chalk., i) He's been smoking for years. - 8) Andrew coughs all the time., c) She's been dancing for hours. - 9) Lily's feet are sore., b) She's been exercising all month. - 10) Donna feels great.,

Matching - Tell me why


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