Judging by the cover, what did you think the book was going to be about? What were your thoughts when you saw the book?, What did you think of the beginning of the book? Did you want to read more?, Explain how the title connects to the story! What do you think about the title? Is it suitable? If you could change the title what would it be? Explain why?, What passage in the book is the most memorable to you? Describe the scene! Describe why?, Which character did you find the most interesting? What chracter intrigued you the most. Describe him/her! Explain why?, Did you dislike any characters in the book? Who? Why?, If you could invite one character over to your house for dinner, who would it be? What would you talk about Explain why?, If you had the chance to meet a character from the book, who would it be? Why? Explain!, If you could give one character from the book some advice, what would you tell him or her?, When and where does the action take place? Describe the environment?, What surprised you most about the book? Explain why!, What did you like about the book? The story, the characters, the cover, the language? Explain!, What didn't you like about the book? The story, the characters, the cover, the language? Explain!, If you meet a person who hasn't read the book, what would you say to him/her? Would you recommend the book? Why? Why not?, Compare the book with the movie? What similarities are there? What are the differences? Do you prefer the book or the movie? Why?, What themes would you say the book contains? Give examples from the book?, If you could change one thing in the book, what would you change?, If you could change the ending, how would you change it? Explain!, Was there anything that puzzled you? Anything you didn't understand in the book?, What will happen to the characters ten years from now? What are the characters doing in year 2031? Explain and describe!, Would you recommend the book? Why? Why not?, What do you think the author wants you to learn from the story?.

The boy in the striped pyjamas


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