1) Which holiday is it? a) Independence Day b) Youth and Sports Day c) Children’s Day d) Diwali 2) What is this? a) Concert b) Parade c) Dessert d) Poem 3) When do we celebrate the Victory Day? a) On the 30th of August   b) On the 23rd of April c) On the 28th of January d) On the 19th of May 4) What is this show? a) Parade show b) Flag show c) Street show d) Firework show 5) Which holiday is it? a) Chinese New Year b) Ramadan Feast c) Sacrifice Feast d) Victory Day 6) What is this? a) Flag b) Envelope c) Present d) Costume 7) What are these? a) Dragons b) Pocket money c) Tomatoes d) Candies 8) What do we do on Republic Day? a) Give present  b) Go to mosque c) Read poems d) Have a barbecue  9) When do we celebrate Youth and Sports Day? a) On the 25th of August b) On the 19th of May  c) On the 31st of December d) On the 23rd of April 10) What do we do on Ramadan Feast? a) Kiss hands b) Go to concerts c) Have barbecues d) Throw tomatoes 11) Which tournament is this? a) Football b) Baseball c) Volleyball d) Basketball 12) What are these? a) Costumes b) Dragons c) Flags d) Festivals

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