1) Tom and Mike ______television every weekend a) watches b) watch c) sleep 2) Shelly _____ basketball every day a) play b) played c) plays 3) They _____ interesting stories in class a) write b) writes c) writing 4) The boy _____ to play a) like b) likes c) lake 5) My friend ______nice songs a) sing b) sang c) sings 6) They ____ carrots a) eats b) eat c) talk 7) Ashton _____ nice drawings a) draw b) drink c) draws 8) Rachel _____ juice every day a) drink b) sleeps c) drinks 9) _______ Omar sleep late?  a) do b) does c)  is 10) _______ kids drink juice? a) does b) are c) do 11) Sam _______ talk loudly  a) don't b) doesn't  12) Kids _____ play in the streets  a) does not b) do not


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