I’d like to start ____ saying that I don’t believe schools spend enough money on any of these things. The ____ I say that is that very few students in our school play musical instruments, and not many do sport either. Not ____ that, we hardly ever go on school trips, perhaps just once a year. Now, let’s ____ on to the question of which of the three schools should spend the most money on. If I have to ____ just one, I’d ____ that we should spend the most on music. I’ll tell you ____ I think that. ____, there are lots of opportunities for students to do sport outside school. ____, students often go on trips and holidays with their parents. ____ there’s no need for the school to spend money on school trips. ____, and most importantly, very few people have musical instruments at home, and not many parents play musical instruments themselves. To ____ up, I believe that schools should spend money on all these things, but music is the most important. First ____, we need to ask ourselves if schools should spend money on music, sport and school trips at all. In my ____, they should use the money for things like books and computers. ____, let’s look at which of the three deserves the most money. As I ____ it, sport is the most important. There are a ____ of reasons ____ I believe this. ____, many teenagers nowadays are unfit. They need to do more sport at school. ____, music isn’t very important. Most people just prefer to listen to music. Very few actually want to play musical instruments. And if they do, they can teach themselves guitar at home. ____, ____ school trips are fun and help students to relax and make friends, sport is ____ better for doing these things.All in ____, I take the view that schools should spend more on sport than on music or school trips.

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