artificial (adi), automatic (adj), complicated (adj), decrease (n or v), digital (adj), discover (v), effect (n), equipment (n), estimate (v), exact (adj), experiment (n or v), gadget (n), hardware (n), invent (v), involve (v), laboratory (n), lack (n or v), laptop (n), maximum (adj), minimum (adj), operate (v), plastic (n), plastic (adj), program (v), program (n), research (n), run (v), screen (n), software (n), sudden (adj), technology (n), unique (adj), break down, come across, find out, make up, pull off, throw away, turn off, turn on, At last, By chance, In my opinion, in the end, in the future, out of order, boiling, chemist, chemical (adj), conclude, conclusion, examine, fascinate, fascination, fascinating, historian, identify, identity, identical, length, measure, scientist, different from/to (adj), full of (adj), begin sth with (v), connect sth to/with (v), disconnect sth from (v), fill sth with (v), result in (v), a difference between (n), an idea about (n), a number of (n), a reason for (n), a type of (n).

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