1) On her way to Presentation Skills class, Joshua decided to add one last presentation aid to his speech. Was this a good idea? a) No; because Joshua didn't have a chance to rehearse with the new aid. b) Yes; the more creative the presentation aids, the better the speech will be. c) Yes; if Joshua was certain that the presentation aid would make a difference. d) No; because the extra presentation aid would make Delaney's speech too long. 2) Once you introduce a visual aid, you should keep it in front of the audience throughout your speech. a) True b) False 3) Satish was giving a speech on animal-borne diseases. When discussing each disease, his slides contained a definition, symptoms, risks, treatment, and ways to prevent the disease. Was this an effective strategy? a) No, because he used too much information on each slide. b) No, because he should have included pictures of each disease. c) Yes, because he gave his audience all of the necessary information. d) Yes, because he talked about each point he made in his visual aid. 4) Jun-Han was giving a speech on fast food restaurants and made each PowerPoint slide the representative colour of individual chains. Was this an effective strategy? a) No, because using too many colors detracts from the message. b) No, because he should have given a speech on just one fast food chair restaurant. c) Yes, because his slides were colorful and eye-catching. d) Yes, because the colors made each fast food restaurant easily identifiable 5) It is perfectly acceptable to have an assistant help you with presentation aids during your speech. a) True b) False 6) Voon taped pictures of rainbows all around the room as presentation aids for his speech. He never referred to them, but simply created an atmosphere for his presentation. Was this appropriate? a) Yes; the pictures created the kind of mood the speaker wanted. b) No; there were too many of them to create any kind of effect. c) Yes, because rainbows are happy images and help the audience listen. d) No, because you should explain your presentation aids, not just show them. 7) Rashan thought that he would be dramatic and impress his public-speaking class with his speech on air pollution. He decided to use mice in a closed jar to illustrate how air pollution is slowly killing human beings. But during his speech, the jar fell off the desk and the mice escaped, distracting his audience and putting an abrupt end to his presentation. What guideline did Rashan ignore, with regard to using presentation aids? a) Use animals with caution as presentation aids. b) Only use professionally trained animals as presentation aids. c) Do not use dangerous or illegal presentation aids. d) Never use animals as presentation aids in a speech. 8) What action should a speaker take if his or her speech topic calls for an illegal or dangerous presentation aid? What action should a speaker take if his or her speech topic calls for an illegal or dangerous presentation aid? What action should a speaker take if his or her speech topic calls for an illegal or dangerous presentation aid? a) Secure permission from university police or security officers. b) Obtain permit from the instructor. c) Substitute an appropriate picture, chart, or other representation. d) Take all necessary security actions. 9) Which of the following is NOT one of the guiding principles for effective presentation aids? Keep them . . . a) easy to see. b) simple. c) safe. d) exciting. 10) When using objects as a presentation aid you should avoid a) making reference to the object in your speech. b) holding the object while you speak. c) passing the object among members of your audience. d) displaying the object during your speech. 11) Handout pages should NOT be numbered, in order to encourage the audience to watch you, not the paper. a) True b) False 12) Jewel had carefully planned presentation aids for her speech on quilting. She thoroughly demonstrated how to sew together the squares by hand, which required her to concentrate on the quilt. What guideline for using presentation aids did Jewel violate? She . . . a) should have remembered "Murphy's Law." b) focused on the visualsinstead of the audience. c) did not select the right presentation aid for her listeners. d) was using a dangerous material. 13) In a speech about organ donation, Nathan gave the audience a handout about the need for organs and the process for becoming an organ donor before his speech. Is this an effective use of presentation aids? a) Yes; used the it in a timely and effective way, selecting the right presentation aid for the topic. b) No; should have waited until the conclusion to hand this out as audience members might be distracted by what you give them. c) No; confused the audience by having them look at a it that didn't relate to what he was speaking about. d) Yes; drew the audience into the speech by having them focus on the handout. 14) If you're competent using a computer, you really don't need to practice out loud with your PowerPoint. a) True b) False 15) What is the BEST advice for timing the use of presentation aids in a speech? Display presentation aids a) evenly throughout the speech. b) at the beginning of your speech. c) early if you use more than one. d) to correspond with points in your speech. 16) Which of the following statements about preparing visual aids is TRUE? a) Use a great variety of dramatic colours throughout the presentation. b) Decorative typefaces are usually the best choice. c) Limit text to key words or phrases. d) Avoid using a black and white scheme. 17) Auji was giving her speech on why college athletes should be paid for playing their sport. In her PowerPoint, she uses an image of an attractive football player posing with his shirt off. Was using this picture helpful in persuading her audience? a) Correct, it got the audience's attention. b) Yes, it was relative to her topic. c) No, the image didn't complement the image created by her spoken words. d) No, the image of the football player was stereotypical. 18) All of the following are tips for using presentation aids EXCEPT a) rehearse with the visuals. b) explain your presentational aids. c) face your hand outs while talking. d) use animals with caution. 19) Once you introduce a visual aid, you should keep it in front of the audience throughout your speech. a) True b) False 20) Sam was giving a speech on fast food restaurants and made each PowerPoint slide the representative color of individual chains. Was this an effective strategy? a) No, using too many colors detracts from the message. b) No, he should have given a speech on just one fast food chair restaurant. c) Yes, his slides were colorful and eye-catching. d) Yes, the colors made each fast food restaurant easily identifiable.
Revision Exercises Presentational Aids
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