1) alzarsi a) have lunch b) get up c) have breakfast d) go to bed 2) svegliarsi a) wake up b) go back home c) wash the face d) have a shower 3) fare la colazione a) wash the face b) play in the garden c) have breakfast d) get up 4) fare la doccia a) get dressed b) wash the face c) have a shower d) have lunch 5) fare il bagno a) wake up b) go to school c) have a bath d) go to bed 6) lavarsi la faccia a) wash the face b) go to school c) have breakfast d) have lunch 7) lavarsi i denti a) have breakfast b) go back home c) brush the  teeth d) have lunch 8) vestirsi a) go to school b) watch TV c) wash the face d) get dressed 9) andare a scuola a) go to school b) have a bath c) play in the garden d) have lunch 10) pranzare a) have lunch b) brush the  teeth c) have dinner d) play in the garden 11) ritornare a casa a) go back home b) wash the face c) wake up d) play in the garden 12) giocare in giardino a) watch TV b) brush the  teeth c) have breakfast d) play in the garden 13) guardare TV a) have breakfast b) get dressed c) watch TV d) have dinner 14) cenare a) go back home b) have dinner c) wake up d) watch TV 15) andare a letto a) go to bed b) have lunch c) have a shower d) have dinner


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