1) We ........... (live) in this house for over twenty years. a) have lived b) have live c) has lived d) has live 2) She .......... (never be) to Florida. a) have never been b) has never be c) have never be d) has never been 3) ...... you ever ...... to Poland? a) Has/ been  b) Have/ been c) Have/ be d) Has / been 4) I ......... (not learn) a single thing in this class. a) hasn’t learned b) haven’t learn c) haven’t learned d) hasn’t learn 5) ....... you ....... (see) my phone? a) Have / see  b) Has / see c) Have / seen d) Has / seen 6) Scientist ........... (discover) a new cure for the disease. a) have discovered  b) have discover c) has discovered d) has discover 7) I ......... (not found) the time to do it yet. a) hasn’t founded b) haven’t founded c) hasn’t found d) haven’t found 8) He ......... (become) a very successful doctor. a) has became b) have became c) has become  d) have become 9) ........ you ever ........ (try) that restaurant? a) Has / tried b) Have / tried c) Have / try d) Has / try 10) It ........... (rain) a lot this week. a) have rained b) has rained c) has rain d) have rain 11) We ......... (lend) money to you many times. a) has lended b) have lent c) have lended d) has lent 12) They ......... (lose) my book. a) has lost  b) have lose c) have losed d) have lost 13) He ............ (give) up the tournament. a) has given b) have given c) has gave d) have gave 14) My cousin ........ (go) to Europe to study. a) has gone b) have gone c) have went d) has go 15) I .......... (see) that movie several times. a) have saw b) has seen c) have seen d) has saw



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