When is your birthday? - It's on 8th August., What's your name? - I'm Marta., What is your favourite food? - Pepperoni pizza!, Do you like cats? - No, I don't. I prefer dogs., How do you like pasta? - I like it with tomato sauce and lots of cheese., When do you do your homework? - Once a day, after class., Where is Joshua? - He's at school., Why is she happy? - Because it's her birthday., Which one do you prefer? The red or the blue one? - I like the red one, thanks., How much money have we got? - We've got $10 left. Is it enough?, Where do you live? - I live in Barcelona., How many brothers and sisters do you have? - I've got one younger sister., What time do you usually go to bed? - At around 11pm., How old are you? - I'm 15. , Where is your school? - It's in front of Southern Cross Station., How are you? - I'm good, thanks. Yourself?, What sports do you play? - I play volleyball and tennis., How often do you walk your dog? - I usually do it before dinner., Is he your uncle? - Yes, he is., Where does she work? - In a cafe. She's a waitress. ,

EC B2 M1 3A Simple Present Match-up


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