alliteration - he recurrence of the same consonant sounds at the beginning of words in close succession (for example, ripe, red raspberry), ballad - a narrative poem that tells a story and often has a musical quality, Assonance - The repetition of vowel sounds in words close together, for example, how now brown cow, lyrics - The words to a song, metaphor - one thing is said to be something that it is not. It is not meant to be taken literally (for example, her heart of stone), mood - The atmosphere or feeling created by a song, onomatopoeia - word that imitates the sound it describes, for example, bang, chirp, honk, repetition - Deliberate use of a word or phrase several times for effect, rhyme - Repetition of sounds at regular intervals, usually at the end of a line of verse, rhyme scheme/pattern - Identified by using letters of the alphabet to represent the rhyming patterns. Example AABAB, rhythm - the pattern of irregular or regular stressed/unstressed syllables in words, simile - a comparison between two items that have something in common or are similar to each other and are compared using the words like or as, for example, She swims like a fish, Stanza - A paragraph in a poem,
Poetry Vocabulary
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