How many rooms are there in your house?, Do you like the place where you are living?, Do you have any old-fashioned furniture in your house?, Have you ever moved homes?, What is the lightest room in your house?, What makes the room cozy?, Would you prefer to live in a house or in an apartment?, What makes the room modern?, What are the most important things for you when you choose a house?, Do you have any unfurnished rooms in your house?, What makes the room cluttered?, Have you changed your home since you’ve started living there?, Are you a home bird?, What’s your favourite thing about your home?, What is your dream home?, What home improvements would you like to make to your home?, Are you happy with the colour scheme and furniture in your home?, Do you like being at home alone? What do you do when you stay alone?, What are the differences between a house and a home?, Do you like the houses in other countries?, Is there anything you hate about your home?, What types of houses do you know?, Do you think the weather affects the type of housing people reside in?.



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