1. Dog or Cat?, Netflix or YouTube?, Phone Call or Text?, Facebook or Instagram?, Cake or Pie?, Swimming or Sunbathing?, New Clothes or New Phone?, Jogging or Hiking?, Bath or Shower?, Hamburger or Pizza?, Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store?, Tablet or Computer?, Train or Plane?, Meat or Vegetables?, Movie at Home or Movie at the Theater?, Coffee or Tea?, Horror Movie or Comedy Movie?, City or Countryside?, Winter or Summer?, TV Shows or Movies?, Reading or Watching TV?, Football or basketball?, Pop Music or Classical Music?, Reality shows or documentaries?, Day or night?, Chocolate or vanilla?, Sweet or sour?, Art museum or history museum?, Be embarrassed or be afraid?, Be a good singer/musician or a good dancer? , Explore the deep sea or the outer space? , Board games or card games? , Broccoli or squash? , Tulips or sunflowers? , Carpet or wooden floors? , Almonds or peanuts? , Eggs or pancakes for breakfast? , Audiobook or ebook? , Be intellectual or be athletic? , Pasta or pizza? .


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