1) Complete sentence: My sister _________ (swim) with dolphins a) have swim b) has swimming c) has swum d) have swam 2) Complete sentence: She _________ (pass) the test at music school a) have pass b) has passed c) have passed 3) Complete sentence: He _________ (heard) the orientation a) haven`t heard b) hasn`t hear c) hasn`t heard 4) Complete sentence: We __________ (travel) last year a) hasn`t travel b) haven´t traveling c) hasn´t traveled 5) Complete sentence: _________ you ________(go) to germany? a) Have / gone b) Have / go c) Has / gone 6) Complete sentence: ________ you _______ (drink) orange juice? a) Has / drink b) Have / drunk c) Has / drunk

Julia Kurata - 8th grade A


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