1) I hope ... a) to see you again b) seeing you again 2) I'd love ... a) spending time with my friends b) to spend time with my friends 3) My mum allowed me ... a) going on a party b) to go on a party 4) They're interested in ... a) to learn English b) learning English 5) She can't stand ... a) listening to disco polo b) to listen to disco polo 6) He enjoys ... a) to swim b) swimming 7) I finished ... a) to do homework b) doing homework 8) I can't afford ... a) spending a lot of money b) to spend a lot of money 9) I miss ... a) seeing my friends b) to see my friends 10) The teacher advised me ... a) to study more b) studying more 11) What's preventing you from ... a) to go on holiday with friends ? b) going on holiday with friends ? 12) She promised ... a) to help me b) helping me 13) I must practise ... a) speaking English b) to speak English 14) We agreed ... a) going on a party b) to go on a party 15) Do you fancy ... a) watching horror films ? b) to watch horrow films ? 16) He invited me ... a) taking part in ... b) to take part in ... 17) Imagine ... a) to live on a tropical island b) living on a tropical island 18) He offered ... a) to give me a lift b) giving me a lift 19) She refused ... a) coming b) to come 20) Did you manage ... a) doing it ? b) to do it ? 21) I'm tiring of ... a) listening you b) to listen you 22) He warned her ... a) not to go out with him b) not going out with him 23) She asked me ... a) driving her home b) to drive her home 24) They persuaded me ... a) to buy this flat b) buying this flat 25) Do you mind ...? a) to wait b) waiting 26) I spend most of my time ... a) to learn English b) learning English 27) I need ... a) to get rid of these clothes b) getting rid of these clothes 28) I love ... a) to travel b) travelling 29) I didn't expect ... a) to see you here b) seeing you here 30) I tried ... a) to warn you b) warning you 31) She forgot ... the milk. a) to buy b) buying 32) I will never forget ... her for the first time. a) to meet b) meeting 33) She stopped ... sweets. a) to eat b) eating 34) He stopped ... (drink) some coffee. a) to drink b) drinking 35) I don't remember ... (meet) her. a) to meet b) meeting 36) Remember ... (send) them emails today. a) to send b) sending

Infinitive or Gerund Passowrd Reset B1+ Unit 1


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