was - to be (1st and 3rd person singular) [être],  were - to be (2nd person and plural forms) [être], bent - to bend [plier, courber], blew - to blow [souffler], bought - to buy [acheter], crept - to creep [ramper, se glisser], did - to do [faire], ate - to eat [manger], found - to find [trouver], forbade - to forbid [interdire], gave - to give [donner], had - to have [avoir], hurt - to hurt [blesser], laid - to lay [se coucher, pondre], let - to let [laisser], made - to make [faire, fabriquer], proved - to prove [prouver], rang - to ring [sonner], sought - to seek [chercher], shook - to shake [secouer], shrank - to shrink [rétrécir], slew - to slay [abattre], spent - to spend [passer du temps, dépenser], sprang - to spring [jaillir], stank - to stink [puer], swept - to sweep [balayer], taught - to teach [enseigner], understood - to understand [comprendre], welcomed - to welcome [accueillir],

Irregular Verbs - Crossword #3


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