悄悄 - adv. quietly, secretly, 被子 - n. quilt, 冻 - v. to freeze, to feel very cold, 想象 - v./n. to imagine; imagination, 灰尘 - n. dust, 亮 - adj. / v. bright; to shine, 微笑 - v/n. to smile; smile, 温暖 - adj. /v. warm; to make sb./sth. warm, 锁 - v/n. to lock up; lock, 立刻 - adv. at once, immediately, 飘 - w. to float in the air; to waft, 感受 - v./n. to feel; feeling, 流泪 - v. to shed tears, 扑 - v. to pounce on , to dash at, 长途 - adj. long-distance, 晒 - to dry in the sun,

L2 生词2- HSK5 上


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