1) The ____ in the fireplace is full of ashes. a) great b) grate c) steak 2) I like my ____ well done, if you don't mind. a) great b) stake c) steak 3) Mt. Rushmore has the faces of four ____ Americans on it. a) great b) steak c) grate 4) Please help me put that long ____ in the ground to hold down our tent. a) great b) stake c) steak 5) Oh dear! I think I heard the glass vase ____ into many pieces! a) brake b) read c) break 6) When going down this steep hill, you need to keep your foot on the ____. a) brake b) reed c) break 7) "Mommy, could you please ____ this book to me?" a) reed b) red c) read 8) "This clarinet needs a new ____," complained the musician. a) red b) reed c) read 9) The shade of ____ looks very nice on you! a) read b) red c) reed 10) Yesterday the teacher ____ a story to the class about Washington. a) red b) reed c) read

8.10 3 Sounds of EA Homophones-Part a


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