My mother - My father - old, Skyscraper - building - high, Trabzon - Nevşehir - green, Antalya - Ağrı - hot, Village - city - cheap, City - village - exciting, Turtle - rabbit - slow, Ferrari - Fiat - fast, City - village -dirty, English - Maths - easy, Hiking - playing games - good, Junk food - vegetables - bad, Hagrid - Harry - fat, Ironman - Pinocchio - strong, Ankara - Aydın - crowded, Village - city - cheap, Snow White - the witch - beautiful, A mouse - an elephant - small, Bears - dogs - dangerous, Mount Akdağ - Mount Everest - low, Erzurum - Muğla - cold, Shrek - the Princess- ugly, Hermione - Ron - hardworking, Iğdır - Aksaray - far, Cats - Dogs - nice.


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