Are you nervous when you are introduced to someone new?, Do you enjoy meeting new people?, How many languages do you speak? What's the best way to learn a foreign language?, Do you think it is good for youngsters to keep up with the news?, What are the advantages and disadavantages of watching TV?, What do you do to destress? , Would you go and vote? Why (not)?, Can you tell about something you are passionate about?, Can you tell me about your favourite book?, Can you tell me about something that frustrates you?, Is it important for teenagers to have a job? Why (not)?, Did you make friends at primary school that you still keep in touch with?, What subjects are important for you and why?, Do you think it is easier to learn as a child or as an adult?, What steps have you taken to be able to choose the right study?, Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?, If you could own your own business, what would it be?, Are you careful with what you eat? Why (not)?, Do you think being slim equals beautiful?, In what way can diet influence our appearance and personality?, Do you think there is more pressure now on teens than 20 years ago? Why (not)?.
C1 General Conversation final year secondary school
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