1) If the police had more evidence, they ................. (arrest) him. a) would have arrested b) arrest c) would arrest d) will arrest 2) I would not have been late for school, if the bus ................. (be) on time. a) is b) was c) were d) had been 3) I am sorry. If I had known it was your birthday, I ............. (buy) you a present. a) would buy b) would have bought c) will buy d) bought 4) If I had known the film was on TV, I ............. (no/go) to bed so early. a) wouldn't have gone b) would have gone c) would go d) wouldn't go 5) Millions of people will die, if they ............... aid soon. a) won't receive b) don't receive c) wouldn't receive d) wouldn't have received 6) If he applied in time, he would get the job. a) True b) False 7) If the boss arrive now, we will be in trouble. a) True b) False 8) If I had known, I would have helped. a) True b) False 9) If you boil water, it will evaporate. a) True b) False 10) If you press the button, the television ................... (turn on). a) will turn on b) would turn on c) turns on d) would have turned on 11) If you had studied more, you ................ the exam (no/fail). a) would fail b) would have failed c) wouldn't fail d) wouldn't have failed 12) If I found a wallet on the street, I .................... it to the owner (return). a) returns b) would return c) will return d) would have returned 13) If I had $1,000, I could afford to repair my house. a) True b) False 14) I would have come earlier, if I ................. (know). a) would know b) knew c) had know d) had known 15) If she were my sister, I .................. her as much as possible (help). a) would helped b) would help c) would have helped d) will help



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