Metaphors - No - this is descriptive, Rhetorical question - YES, Flattery - YES, Place names - No - this is informative, Facts - YES, Statistics - YES, Alliteration - YES, Emotive language - YES, Adverbs - No - this is descriptive, Repetition - YES, Statistics - YES, Examples - YES, How and Why - No - this is to explain, Superlatives - YES, Similes - No - this is descriptive, Onomatopoeia - No - this is descriptive, Expert opinions - YES, Rhyme - No - this is a poetic technique,

Lesson 22 - Starter - Persuasive devices

di Anonimo


Gira le tessere è un modello a risposta aperta. Non genera punteggi validi per una classifica.

Stile di visualizzazione


Cambia modello

Ripristinare il titolo salvato automaticamente: ?