Canada has had its own flag since ... - 1965., The name Canada comes from an Iroquois word 'Kanata' which means - village, Canada has .... official languages - 2 (English and French), Population of Canada is about ... - ~38 million, The highest Canadian waterfall is ... - Niagara Falls., Are there national parks in each province and territory? - Yes, How old is Canada? - 154 years old, Canada Day is on ... - July 1., What is the 2nd largest country in the world? - Canada, Who is the monarch (head) of Canada? - Queen Elizabeth II, Who is the representative of the Queen, our monarch in Canada? - Governor General (Mary Simon currently), What are the 3 branches of government? - Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches, Canada is ... - democracy., Democracy means - Canada governs itself or it runs itself., Parliament is part of the ... - Legislative Branch that passes laws., The prime minister is ... - the head of the cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of government., The highest court of appeal is the ... - Supreme Court of Canada which is part of the judicial branch of Canada., The current prime minister is ... - Justin Trudeau. ,

Social Studies - Canadian Government


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