You meet a friend after an English class. Suggest you go for a meal., You see a friend you haven't seen for a long time. Greet him/her and ask about his/her life., You are on a tram. Ask a fellow passenger which stop you need for the hospital., You are in the theatre. Your neighbour keeps talking. Say something to them., You are in a supermarket. You need to buy some tooth-brushes but you can't find any. Ask the shop assistant for help., It's a nice spring day. Ask your friends to go for a walk., You are planning a night out. Your friend wants to go to the cinema. You want to got to a restaurant. Suggest this to your friend., You are in a Hungarian restaurant with a friend. Ask himher what s/he is going to order., You are at the train station struggling with your heavy suitcase. You ask a passer-by to help., You are at the hairdresser's. Ask the hairdresser for advice about your hair., You are travelling in the US and you realise that you have lost your passport. Ask a police officer for help., You are on a very expensive 3-day skiing holiday. It's nearly midday, and the lifts haven't started yet because of the strong wind. Ask the assistant in the local tourist information office for information..

Euroexam B2 transactional dialogues - cue cards


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