pollute - to make water, air, soil, etc dirty or harmful, ethical - relating to what is right or wrong, injury - damage to someone's body in an accident or attact, craft - to make something using a lot of skill, majority - more than half of a group of people or things, process - a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result, unique - different from everyone and everything else, recycle - to put used paper, glass, plastic, etc through a process so that it can be used again, passion - a very strong feeling of liking something, psychology - the study of the human mind and feelings, purchase - to buy something, quality - how good or bad something is, gathering - a party or a meeting when many people get together as a group, characteristic - a typical or obvious quality that makes one person or thing different from others, jewelry - objects made from gold, silver, and valuable stones that you wear for decoration, bold - not frightened of taking risks, suffering - experiences such as pain or unpleasant emotions, combine - to become mixed or joined, or to mix or join things together, being - a living person or imaginary creature,

Target reading 1, U32


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