Adults are autonomous and self-directed - Allow the coachee to contribute to the focus of the meeting., Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences - Get coachee's perspective, Adults are goal-oriented - Allow for coachee to identify next steps and approach, Adults are relevancy-oriented - Find out what the coachee expects to learn prior to the coaching session, Adults are practical - Ensure contributions align to professional or personal goals, Adults like to be respected - Acknowledge contributions  made, Adults are autonomous and self-directed (2) - Serve as a facilitator of learning by guiding coachee rather than providing them with facts, Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences (2) - Value your coachee's experiences, Adults are goal-oriented (2) - Identify learning focus for meeting, Adults are relevancy-oriented (2) - Provide collaborative solutions focused on support (goal), Adults are practical (2) - Provide active participation opportunities (discussion, reflection, planning, etc.), Adults like to be respected (2) - Build relationship and rapport,

Adult Learners Coaching Mindset


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