1) I _______ been to a lot of magical towns. a) have b) has c) had 2) My sister ________ graduated in her Business career. a) have b) has c) had 3) I___ surfed in Acapulco before. a) 've b) 's c) has 4) I _________ seen a blue whale. I have only seen them in pictures :( a) have b) haven't c) has d) hasn't 5) My mom ________ tried Paella before, she says it's delicious. a) have b) haven't c) has d) hasn't 6) I haven't _________ my homework :( a) do b) did c) done 7) I haven't _________ that movie before, but people say it's interesting. a) see b) seen c) saw 8) I have lived in this house ___two years. a) that b) for c) since 9) Have you _________ chapulines before? It's great with lemon and salt! a) tried b) trieded c) try 10) We have been married____2010. a) in b) for c) since 11) I 've worked in Canada _____ five yeras. a) since b) for c) in 12) They have studied English _________ 2015. a) since b) for c) in

Present Perfect


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