1) Ella estudia cada día a) She study every day b) She study all day c) She estudies all day d) Se study every day e) She estudy one day f) She studies every day 2) Tú estás leyendo ahora mismo a) He is reading now b) Yu are readying right now c) You is reading right now d) You are reading right now e) You are read now f) You are reads right now 3) Los elefantes no son tan pequeños como las ranas a) Elepahnts are as small as frogs b) Elephants are as big as frogs c) Elephants are not as small as frogs d) Elephants are not as small than frogs e) Elephants don't be as small as frogs f) Elephants aren't as frogs 4) Ella es la más divertida de la clase a) She is more funny in the class b) She is the most funny in the class c) She is funniest of the class d) She is the funniest in the class e) She is the funnier in the class f) She is the most funniest in the class 5) A él no le gustan los ratones a) He don't likes mouses b) He not like mice c) He doesn't likes mices d) He doesn't like mouses e) He doesn't like mice f) He isn't like mice 6) HAY UN POCO DE LECHE ENCIMA DE LA MESA a) There are milk in the table b) There are some milks in the table c) There is milk on the table d) There is some milk in the table e) There is some milk on the table 7) COCINA en inglés a) Chicken b) Chiken c) Kitch d) Chiquen e) Kitchen f) Kitschen 8) Yo soy mejor que tú a) I am gooder than you b) I am more good than you c) I am better tan you d) I am more better than you e) I am beter than you f) I am better than you 9) Las ovejas no son tan rápidas como los tigres a) Sheeps is not as fast as tigers b) Sheep are not as fastest as tigers c) Sheep are not as fast as tigers d) Sheeps are not so faster than tigers e) Sheep are not fasted as tigers f) Sheep aren't more fast than tigers 10) Él juega al fútbol una vez a la semana a) He play to football one time a week b) He plaies football once per week c) He plays football once a week d) He plays football one time per week e) He play football once every week



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