1) eksyksissä a) lost b) loose c) lose d) loste 2) matkustajalautta a) a fery b) a ferrie c) a berry d) a ferry 3) parin tunnin kuluttua a) in moments b) in couple hours c) on a couple of hours d) in a couple of hours 4) vielä a) still b) a port c) a sign d) lost 5) löytää a) find, found, found b) still c) The sea looks rough. d) necessary 6) satama a) a bort b) a port c) abort d) a porte 7) ehkä a) perhaps b) a ferry c) a building d) perhasp 8) tarpeellinen a) necesary b) necessary c) nesessary d) necassary 9) kyltti a) sing b) a sing c) an sign d) a sign 10) teipattuna seinään a) perhaps b) The sea looks rough. c) Let's get going. d) taped to side 11) terminaalirakennus a) a terminal building b) terminus c) a terminale d) a termite building 12) lautta a) a raft b) a craft c) a rake d) a rope 13) bambutanko a) a bamboo pole b) a bambu pole c) a bamboo tree d) a ferry 14) köysi a) a rope b) quickly c) a raft d) It'll be a piece of cake. 15) meloa a) padle b) paddler c) paddle d) battle 16) Meri näyttää myrskyisältä. a) a terminal building b) a bamboo pole c) in a couple of hours d) The sea looks rough. 17) Se on helppoa. a) It'll be a piece of cake. b) still c) a rope d) The sea looks rough. 18) mestari lauttojen rakentamisessa a) a terminal building b) The sea looks rough. c) a sign d) an expert at building rafts 19) Mennään. a) an expert at building rafts b) quickly c) a terminal building d) Let's get going. 20) nopeasti a) taped to side b) quickly c) necessary d) Let's get going.

On the go 2, Unit 4


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