1) When you …... to the station the train ...... a) got / had already left b) got / left c) had got / had left d) had got / left 2) He …. very cold because he .… his coat. a) had been / wasn't taking b) was / hadn't taken c) was / wasn' taking d) had been / didn't take 3) Last night Mary ..… a dream about getting a cat for her birthday. a) had had b) has had c) had d) was having 4) Jason ….. in a hammock while Judy ..… the plants in the garden. a) was lying / was watering b) was lying / had been watering c) were lying / had watered d) lied / watered 5) Mary and Peter ….. when Linda ..… them. a) were rollerblading / called b) was rollerblading / called c) had been rollerblading / was calling d) were rollerblading / had called 6) We ...… the pyramids before we …... to Egypt in 2018. a) never saw / had gone b) had never seen / had been going c) had never seen / went d) had never seen / had gone 7) His clothes …... dirty because he ...… into the mud. a) was / fell b) were / had fallen c) had been / had fallen d) had been / was falling 8) Kate and Mark ..... dinner in a restaurant when I ..… them. a) had / had seen b) had had / had seen c) were having / saw d) were having / had seen 9) I ....... my housework.Thank goodness! a) just finished b) had just finished c) have just finished 10) I ....... my housework. When Mary called. a) just finished b) had just finished c) have just finished 11) She...... her homework, when her mum ..... . a) was doing/arrived b) has done/ arrived c) did/ arrived 12) He ...... a shower, when the postman ...... the doorbell. a) had/rang b) had had/ rang c) was having/rang 13) She .... a shower,when the postman ...... the doorbell. a) had just had /was ringing b) had just had/rang c) just had/ rang 14) She..... finished her breakfast a) just finished b) has just finished c) had finished 15) They..... breakfast when .... about the fire on the news a) had had/heard b) had/heard c) were having/heard

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