1) Recently, the number / amount of fast food that is eaten is increased a) the number of b) the amount of 2) For example, few / a few years ago there were not many microwave ovens in the country. a) a few b) few 3) Technology brings much / many advantages to our lives. a) much b) many 4) I think many / a lot of research must be done on organic fabric. a) many b) a lot of 5) You can't get many / much information about your health these days without using the Internet. a) many b) much 6) Unfortunately, I have little / a little time to cook when I get home. a) little b) a little  7) I think the amount / number of fast-food stores should be reduced. a) the amount of b) the number of 8) Some children eat much / a lot of oily and fatty foods.  a) much b) a lot of


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