1) Кукла девочки. a) The girls doll. b) The girl`s doll. c) The girls` dolls. 2) Питомец моего двоюродного брата. a) My cousin`s pet. b) My cousins pet. c) My cousins` pet. 3) Цветы женщины. a) The flower`s woman. b) The woman flower`s. c) The woman`s flowers. 4) Лошадиный хвост. a) T he horses` tail. b) The horse`s tail. c) The tail`s horse. 5) Детские игрушки. a) The toys children. b) The childrens` toys c) The children`s toys. 6) Дочкин велосипед. a) The daughter`s bike. b) The daughters` bike. c) The daughter bikes`. 7) Дома этих мужчин. a) The mens` houses. b) The men`s houses. c) The houses` mens. 8) Книги этих учеников. a) The pupils` books. b) The pupil`s books. c) The books` students. 9) Машина его родителей. a) His car`s parents. b) His parent`s car. c) His parents` car. 10) Игрушка кота. a) The cats` toy. b) The cat`s toy. c) The toys` cat.


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