artificial - not natural or real,but made by people, false - made to look like something real, natural - existing in nature,and not produced by people, physical - real and able to be seen,touched or felt, true - based on facts or things that really happened, accurate - correct in every detail and without any mistakes, method - a way of doing something,especially a planned or established way, way - a method of doing something , engine - the part of a vehicle that makes it move, machine - a piece of equipment with moving parts that does a particular job, motor - the part of a machine or a vehicle that makes it work , aim - the thing you hope to achieve by doing something, cause - an event ,thing or a person that makes something happen, reason - a fact,situation or intention that explains why something happened ,why someone did something or why something is true, estimate - to guess or calculate an amount or value by using available information, calculate - to discover a number or amount by using mathematics, electric - using or relating to electricity, electronic - using electricity or extremely small electrical parts,such as microchips, invent - to design something that did not exist before or envent , discover - to find something that was hidden or that no one knew about before, research - the detailed study of something in order to discover new things, experiment - a scientific test to find out what happens to someone or something in particular conditions, progress - the process of developing or improving , development - change,growth or improvement over a period of time, modern - relating to or belonging to the present time, new - recently made, invented or developed, industry - all the business involved in producing a particular type of goods or services, factory - a building where large quantities of goods are produced using machines, award - a prize that is given to someone who has achieved something , reward - something good that happens to that you recieve because of something that you have done, take place - to happen , occur - to happen,


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