1) What is the alien's name? a) Job b) Jog 2) Where is he today? a) in Skiptown b) in Skitown 3) What does Jog want to buy in the supermarket? a) some vegetables b) some fruit 4) Where are Mr and Mrs Doors? a) in the supermarket b) in the bookshop 5) What do they say to the alien? a) Hello, Charlie! b) Hello, Jog! 6) What is Jog's favourite vegetable? a) potatoes b) onions 7) Where does Jog go next? a) to the car park b) to the bookshop 8) What does Jog like doing? a) having picnics b) counting cars 9) What do Charlie and Lily say to the alien? a) Hello, Miss Kite! b) Hello, Jog! 10) Where is Jog now? a) outside the circus b) at the station 11) What do Miss Kite and Miss Read say to the alien? a) Hello, Mr Doors! b) Hello, Jog! 12) Who is afraid of aliens? a) Miss Read b) Miss Kite 13) Where does Jog go next? a) to the funfair b) to the cinema 14) What are Sam and Julia riding? a) a yellow spaceship b) their bikes 15) What do they do together? a) go for a ride in Jog's spaceship b) have a picnic

StoryFun Jog the Alien


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