How old were you when you got your first phone?, What was your favorite vacation so far?, What was the last thing you bought?, How did you celebrate New Year's Eve?, When was the last time you ate at a restaurant?, Which countries and cities did you travel to last year?, What was the last video you watched on YouTube?, What was the first thing you did after waking up this morning?, When was the last time you saw your grandparents?, Lucky you!, What did you eat for breakfast this morning?, What was your best moment last week?, What was the last picture you took?, Which person did you last talk to yesterday?, What was your dream job as a child?, Which movie did you watch last?, What was your worst moment last week?, What was the last thing you ate?, Who taught you how to swim?, Lucky you!, When did you go to bed last night?, Which song did you listen to a lot last year?, What was the last school test you wrote?, Who was your best friend in kindergarten?, What was your last WhatsApp conversation about?, When was the last time you played a video game?, When was the last time you did a TikTok movie?, When was the last time someone told you a good joke?, When was the last time you did sport?, Lucky you!.

Simple Past


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