1) How often ... (Joe/go) to the gym? 2) Koalas ... (not/live) in Europe or Asia. 3) Water ... (freeze) at 0 centigrade. 4) My mum never ... (tidy) my room, I ... (do) it myself.  5) Toby always ... (drink) milk in the morning. 6) ... (you/visit) your grandparents every week? 7) Kim ... (not/like) playing computer games. 8) My neighbour ... (catch) a bus to work every morning.  9) Where ... (your/dad/work)? 10) It often ... (rain) here in spring. 11) My brother usually ... (help) me with my math homework. 12) Paul ... (not/do) his homework, he ... (skate) in the park. 13) ... (you/drink) Fanta or orange juice at the moment? 14) My mum is tired. She is ... (yawn). 15) Jane and Marry ... (ride) their bikes now. 16) It smells really nice. What ... (Pam/do) in the kitchen? 17) We ... (not/swim), we ... (surf) at the moment. 18) Tom ... (lie) on the sofa and ... (have) his afternoon nap. 19) ... (the secretary/type/an email)? 20) I ... (wash up) the dishes at the moment. 21) The sun ... (shine) and it's hot. 22) Mr. Davis ... (wear) a black tie now. 23) Helen ... (not/wear) high heels when she ... (be) a little girl. 24) There ... (be) a lot of people at the last concert. 25) When ... (Gina and Ben/get) married? 26) Martha ... (break) her arm last month. 27) I ... (phone) you yesterday afternoon, but you ... (be) out. 28) ... (you/buy) the shoes that you ... (see) last week? 29) We ... (have) chicken with rice for dinner yesterday. 30) I ... (not/feel) well last night so I ... (go) to bed early. 31) It ... (take) us an hour to get to work yesterday morning. 32) I ... (not/can) swim at the age of 5. 33) Becky ... (dry) the client's hair when the power was cut. 34) This time last year my brother ... (work) in a travel agency. 35) What ... (you/do) at 8 o'clock yesterday? 36) I ... (put) my baby son into his bed when the doorbell rang. 37) Robert (not/eat) because he ... (feel) sick all day yesterday.  38) ... (Judy/pack) her schoolbag when you came in? 39) They ... (not/sit) in the garden because it ... (rain) heavily at lunchtime yesterday. 40) Greg ... (cut) wood this time last week. 41) We ... (know) James for 10 years. 42) ... (you/read) an interesting book lately? 43) Laura ... (not/write) her essay yet.  44) One of my classmates ... (never/be) abroad. 45) Our neighbours ... (buy) a new car. It's a BMW. 46) ... (Nancy/answer) all the questions yet?  47) I ... (just/plant) some trees in the garden. 48) How long ... (they/be) away yet? 49) Phil ... (not/visit) his hometown since he moved to LA two years ago. 50) ... (you/ever/fly) by plane? 51) We're ready to go. We ... (already/pack) our suitcases. 52) I ... (do) my homework tonight. 53) What ... (you/do) next Saturday? 54) My friends ... (come) tomorrow night. 55) ... (your teacher/buy) a car anytime soon? 56) The sky is clear. It ... (be) sunny all day. 57) We are here for all day. When ... (we/leave)? 58) The weather is fine. ... (her brother/play) football in the evening? 59) Where ... (your parents/travel) for next holiday? 60) It's late and I'm tired. I ... (want) to sleep.


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