1) Do you 'friend' anyone who asks online? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) If they're friends with someone I know 2) What do you do if you get a private message from someone you do not know? a) Respond to them straight away b) Tell them private information c) Ignore and tell an adult d) Share with my friends 3) Should you arrange to meet up with someone who has contacted you online? a) Yes b) I could take a friend with me c) No, and tell and adult that I know and trust 4) Is it ok to make someone feel uncomfortable online by sharing their information? a) No b) They did it to me first so I thought it was ok c) Yes 5) Should I download information from pop-ups or unreliable search engines? a) Yes b) Yes, and provide them with all the information they need c) No Way 6) If I see something online that I do not like, I should? a) Keep it to myself b) Notify an adult straight away c) Share it with my friends 7) If I feel unsafe about something or someone online, I should? a) Share it with an adult, so they can arrange the correct safety procedure b) Not tell anyone and hope it goes away c) Make my friends aware but hope they don't tell an adult 8) Should I share my passwords with anyone? a) Yes b) No


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