1) I waited for an hour. a) transitive b) intransitive 2) Let's invite your cousins as well. a) transitive b) intransitive 3) The wind was blowing fiercely. a) transitive b) intransitive 4) I received your letter in the morning. a) transitive b) intransitive 5) He has changed a lot since he went to boarding school. a) transitive b) intransitive 6) Suddenly the child woke up. a) transitive b) intransitive 7) The loud noise woke me. a) transitive b) intransitive 8) Let's discuss your plans. a) transitive b) intransitive 9) He drives carefully. a) transitive b) intransitive 10) The plane landed safely. a) transitive b) intransitive 11) I will solve this problem. a) transitive b) intransitive 12) The birds chirped in the morning. a) transitive b) intransitive 13) He injured his knee while playing football. a) transitive b) intransitive 14) Shut the door. a) transitive b) intransitive 15) The dog is barking. a) transitive b) intransitive

Transitive Intransitive verbs


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