Metaphor: ‘Here, we are the dead rats they leave out to stop other rats from coming.’, ‘He has angry pumping out of him.’, ‘Tonight, you look up at that sky, and there will be a new star there. The brightest star in the sky. That will be Nasir. He’s looking out for you kid.’, ‘But that shining smile, I won’t ever forget how that warmed me up. Right down to my very bones.’, Simile: ‘...and all that happiness whispered up into the air like water on a hot day.’, ‘Coming here is a bit like waking up from a nightmare and then finding out that you aren't awake at all.’, ‘Beaver’s voice sounds as dark as the Jacket’s dogs when they don’t like a person.’, Motif: Shakespeare duck, The Night Sea, The Bone Sparrow,

Devices - The Bone Sparrow


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