Future Simple: predictions about the future usually with: think, believe, be afraid, probably, etc, for on-the-spot decisions or offers, for promises, threats, warnings, requests, hopes, etc., Example: Stop talking or I'll sent you out of the class., Be going to: for plans, intentions or ambitions, in predictions when there is evidence that something will happen in the near future, Example: Someone's going to fall over that box if you don't move it., Present Continuous: for fixed arrangements in the near future, Example: He's flying to Turkey next month. He has already booked his flight., Present Simple: for timetables/ programmes, Example: The ferry leaves at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning., Future Continuous (will be + ing): for actions which will be in progress at a stated future time, for actions which will definitely happen in the future, as a result of a routine or arrangement, Example: I'll be seeing Jim at work later on today., Future perfect: for actions which will be finished before a stated future time., Example: We will have returned home by Sunday afternoon.,
Future Tenses
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